Sunday, August 3, 2008

A long Sunday!

Here is another long Sunday for me. I am at home with the kids and Byron is sleeping Because this is his weekend to work so I am alone with the kids. Well I know you are thinking well why don't you go out and do something. Well here we go! About 2weeks ago Zarah decided to play in my purse and since then I have not had my Bank card I tore the house apart and could not find it so I just got my new one but the only problem is I my pin did not come in yet so I can not start using it. Now to the van well about 4 day after the bank card went missing one of my kids thought it would be fun to play with moms keys! So can you guess? Yep My keys have been missing since then! Once again I have tore the house apart but no keys either! So we have been driving the Focus. But the car is on E and no bank card to put gas in it so I am stuck in my house! I take the kids out to play but it is to hot to stay out to long. I am having the greatest luck when it comes to weekend B is off. So the kids are driving me crazy and it is to hot to keep them outside. So this is my fun Sunday!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there it will look brighter, God only throws at you what you can handle. I know what it is like to be stuck in the house I threw out my back and have been stuck all week. I sure do mis syou guys.