Saturday, March 22, 2008

It is Easter Weekend!

Well where to start well today I took the kids for pictures at Target!I have to say I use to before the kids got so big I would take then to do photos but now I can only do it once a year I was about to go crazy Taylor when you put him a small room with peolpe. And the other two go crazy too because of Taylor. But I will have to say I got good pictures! I am boiling eggs for dying eggs. I am also going to make potato salad and a cheese cake and a carrot cake. I also have to make Mac and Chesse. We are going to a friends house for Easter dinner! I cant wait this year the boys are old enought to have fun. I will post pictures when I can.


Tara Sloan said...

Sounds like you guys were busy with a fun family weekend!

Debbie said...

Your an AWESOME MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!