Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thought for today!

Have you ever thought about what your worth is? Sometimes as when you are having one of those day you start to think about how much you are worth! You sit and think man I am a bad mom or I am not doing what Gob wants and sometime I'm not the wife I should be! I know as a mom of 2 special needs kids it is hard to believe you are doing everything right. I know God gives you the kids you are meant to have and I spoke them into the atmosphere when I was just a child (10 or 11). Then you have days like today when the kids come home and they are loving and tell you,"Mommy I love you!" or "You are my bestest friend!" and to hear my little girl tell her Uncle Bubba,"Uve You". I know deal with and I doing what God wants is the hardest for me. I know we need to find a church home and be able to get plugged in. It is hard when you have a child that is not easy to keep in the service or in the nursery. I know that is an excuse but is is hard. And now the wife I should be it is hard when you are on the road 5 days a week back and forth to therapy coming home and have to get 2 boys ready to go to school and get Zarah down and look at my house and think I need a nap. I don't sleep worth a crap I have a hard time getting to sleep and when I do Taylor come and crawls in bed with me and then there goes me going back to sleep. So on the days my hubby is off work I just want to sleep and not worry about having to take care of him too. I have not been giving him a love or time I should. I just want to be able to feel like a good mom and wife and also do what God wants. I just need to let it out I am OK just need to vent. thanks for the ear!


Johnnie said...

Hey you...remember you are awesome. None of us will ever be perfect....but no one can be "Antwan" like you!!

ps: you've been tagged on my blog!